Friday, September 21, 2007

Online Safety

I try not to use any identifying information about myself. When I sign up for websites, I will use initials and my last name, which is fairly common. If I have to give an email address or snail address, I have multiple accounts and one or two that I use for possible junk mail and I use a PO box if they require a street address.
I don't like the idea of putting much info about myself out there. Other blogs I have I keep private and every so often check to make sure they don't show up on a search. Same with my Flickr account. Only a few public type photos are out for everyone. Most are restricted to friends/family.
If I talk about work or people I know, I use initials or made up names just in case someone finds my account.
I see alot of kids putting up all kinds of info and wonder how much is going to come back to haunt them.
If I am helping someone register or get email or whatever, I will usually suggest using initials instead of first names, etc. Also, if someone is setting up an email for resume or business purposes, I will suggest that what they choose for an email name is not too weird or off the wall that might put a business off from hiring them.
Back to the original - I do try to be very careful about what I put online.

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