Monday, September 14, 2009

Genealogy: Genealogy Genesis

I haven't really been interested in genealogy. I have an aunt on my mother's side who has with her son, done extensive research and published a book on the history of that side of the family. No one on my father's side has done as much, though I believe there has been some research done by a cousin.

I have wanted to get some family stories from my father about his mother, but like many things, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

If I were to start, I would need to figure out what system to use, maybe check with my aunt on how she organized her research.

Start talking with my father about his family.

We also have a family Bible that goes back several generations that would also be a starting point.

The suggestions for software both require downloads. I might try one on my laptop just to see how it works.

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