Thursday, May 29, 2008

Games & Gaming: Console Gaming

I didn't remember most of the console games mentioned in the game console history site. It's amazing how many different types came out. Those games were not anything that ever really interested me.
Now, I think it would be fun to try some of the console games. The biggest drawback to them is the price for the basic console and then you have all the extras to buy. The Nintendo Wii seems like it might be the most fun since you can actually "play" the games. Some libraries actually check out games, but I would like to know what their loss/damage rate is.
Other library systems have started game nights or had groups come in with their pcs to have group gaming. In many cases the teens are surprised to find this at the library and will come back to see what else is there, including reading books. They might also read or work on homework while waiting their turn. Gaming could be a draw for some teens and children that might not come to the library at all. If nothing else, it gets them it the library and they might come back.
I still like to play Pacman and some of the older games on ArcadeRetro, though I still have to practice to get any good at them. Some of these games I never heard of, but they are still fun to try out.

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