Saturday, March 21, 2009

Potluck: To Tweet or Not to Tweet...Twitter

I had signed up for an account during the original iHCPL, but it isn't something I have ever felt like doing constantly. Facebook is easier for me to use and more of my friends use it. I don't feel like trying to use it from my phone either.
I picked a couple of people mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article, How to Twitter, to try following, plus, HCPL. I also found two Houston tv stations and Houston Public Library to follow for a while. KHOU seems to Tweet a lot. Was watching ET last night, first time in forever, and they were talking about their Twittering. I'll 'follow' them for a while.
It's very hit and miss to us the name search to look for subjects. I did find a couple searching beading and quilting, but a subject search would be better. The search link in iHCPL didn't work.
It might be fun for some people, especially people on the phone all the time and with lots of friends who might want to share info all the time.

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