Friday, February 12, 2010

The Future of Media: Television

I haven't watched a full program online. The one or two times I tried, the download was slow and I gave up. There are some older programs on Casttv that I might try to watch. The main thing I might be willing to watch online are TV programs that I missed. I have some programs that are on a night I can't watch them on. I would like to catch up with some of them. This would be a way to do that. looks like a good one also. I watch a lot of shows on CBS. Hulu also looks good. Looking at Joost, I don't really see much that I would be interested in watching.

My phone doesn't have the ability to watch TV. I have a really cheap one. Don't think I would anyway. Small screen, charged to watch, just not my thing.

I don't really watch streaming video, unless there is some breaking news that I want to watch. I also do not post to websites, again, not my thing.

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