Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Publishing Evolution: Paper to Pixels (or e-ink)

For myself, I prefer paper. I like holding a book and reading it. I've only held a Kindle once and while it was nice, I wasn't converted. If I traveled a lot, it might make more sense to carry a digital reader. Carring many books on one device and not have to pack and keep track of a lot of books would be nice. Back in an earlier blog, we downloaded and read a book on the computer. It was rather awkward and not something I would do.

If I wanted a book, I would pay the price whether it was digital or paper.

iFiction has a good idea with letting you start reading and then deciding if you want to purchase. I would be more inclined to buy something when I liked the start of the book. I also saw a couple of authors listed that I knew.

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