Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sound - downloading & burning

Several of the free sites have music that I like and will burn to cd. I also like Amazon's pay site. They have a lot of music I want and I can choose the songs and there is no DRM restrictions on their music. Most songs are about $1 and that's reasonable to me.

I finally got my cd burned. I had downloaded several songs. I figured I might as well burn something I could listen to. I only had a little trouble moving songs from my music file to the burn list. After that it was easy.

As far as sharing/downloading music online, I think the Electronic Frontier Foundation has a good idea with their white paper, A Better Way Forward: Voluntary Collective Licensing of Music File Sharing. Charge a flat monthly rate to download and make it more economical for people to pay than to steal. This would also allow small bands with no chance of signing with a big company the chance to get their music heard and get paid for it. The whole trying to find music pirates and prosecuting them would cease to be an issue. Added benefit, put a lot of lawyers out of that part of the business. They can go bother someone else.

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