Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wellness: Going Green - Part 1

As far as carbon dioxide, I produce more of a footprint than I thought, though my driving is a part of it. And of course, the heat down here jacks up my electricity usage, even when you don't run the a/c except when I'm home. Also, there is not recycling where I am. In fact it's almost impossible to recycle in Harris County unless you are near a center. The National Wildlife Federation and US EPA sites are more accurate than the Yahoo site. The first two were very close with their answers. Yahoo is too general with what it measures.

The Eating Green Calculator is strange. I'm vegetarian, so most of my answers are zero and there's not much of a way that I can reduce my consumption of dairy products. It's weighted to people who eat meat products.

The pesticides list from FoodNews, is kind of scary. And while it doesn't get everything off, I wash what I eat, usually with soap. Even bananas, because when you peel them, you end up handling the banana with whatever is on your hands.

There are no farmer's markets that I know of in Humble. The ones in Houston are too far away. I also have trouble eating everything on my own. Need to have a food buddy.

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