Friday, February 20, 2009

Books, Readers and Beyond: Social Networking Through Books

I led the book club at our branch for several years. It was OK. I read books I might not normally have read, but it's not really my thing. I enjoy reading, but not necessarily discussing books.
I had joined LibraryThing before the first iHCPL and GoodReads during iHCPL. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to keep up with everything. Shelfari looks like another version of these. Again, it's fun to list some books online, but discussion just isn't my thing.

We have a book club at our branch. Trying to find a book by theme for our Asian Pacific Heritage month has been a challenge. I was using ReadingGroupChoices and ReadingGroupGuides and when I found a possible book, either HCPL didn't own the book or didn't own enough copies. I finally found a title by an author that was on ReadingGroupGuides, Street of a Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama. I don't know if we will use the book, but it is a possibility. Trying to use Firestorm by Iris Johansen didn't work, it wasn't in either of the book club sites.

It would probably work better starting with some of their lists rather than having a book and then looking to see if they have reviewed it.

I looked for Firestorm on LibraryThing, where it had 2 reviews, average rating of 3.76 and on GoodReads where it had 23 reviews and 4.02 average rating. So it was liked fairly well.
I don't think I would join any of the virtual book clubs. I just don't care for other people choosing what I would read and then discussing it. I read for pleasure and most of what I read doesn't show up on discussion sites.

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