Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 9 - YouTube and video sharing

I have a YouTube account. I had been finding some movies that I wanted to keep track of, including the skateboarding dog. I have also done bookcart drills. I don't tend to spend a lot of time on the site, but it is a fun site.
One problem with using it at work is dealing with the CIPA disclaimer notice everytime you try to do anything. I understand why, but it is still annoying.
Doing searches on librarian comes up with some very good videos - some ads for libraries, what librarians do, and some libraries have tours and instructions online.
I tried multiple times to embed a YouTube video, but following instructions and trying everything I could think of, I was unable to get the video to embed. I don't know if I was missing a step or what, but I give up!

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